Link post – Where I’m guest blogging about dogs + other interesting stuff

J. Kathleen Cheney has invited fellow writers to tell all about research rabbit holes we’ve fallen into. That is one of the biggest hazards of world-building. Here’s my post about research going to the dogs… and do check out the rest of the blog series 🙂

Regular readers will recall my ire last week at the gender skew in the BBC’s most recent programme on fantasy fiction. One female author who got no more than a nano-second name-check when she deserves so much more is Susan Cooper. Happily, here’s an excellent interview with her, discussing Writing the Dark.

Wizard’s Tower Press is always keen to see a broader range of authors writing SF&F. Cheryl Morgan has launched a Kickstarter with a view to publishing an anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories by writers from Bristol and the Caribbean. With pirates, obviously. There are some stellar names attached already, and a range of rewards and pledge levels (including the offer of the Aldabreshin Compass ebook series) so do go and have a look!

Further to booktrade and equality issues, this week, The Bookseller tells us that UK publishing seeks to address the industry’s lack of diversity. Here’s hoping.

For insights into wider issues around equality and cases where people end up at odds over questions of gender, religion and sexual orientation, I heartily recommend anything and everything that Baroness Hale, the UK’s pre-eminent female lawyer has to say. Specifically, the lecture she gave in Oxford this week which is available to watch here. (She starts talking around eight and a half minutes in, for those who wish to skip the preambles).

As well as attending that lecture, I also went to a talk by Mary Beard in Oxford this week, though as far as I am aware that’s not available online. You will not be surprised to learn that she’s as entertaining in person as she is on the telly, giving an intriguing and illuminating lecture on “Images of Roman Emperors from the Ancient World to the Modern: Understandings and Misunderstandings”. This relates to an ongoing research project which looks set to uncover some fascinating stuff. Because, for example, if you think Henry VIII is saying something about kingship by using Suetonius’ twelve Caesars in his palace decor, what does it mean when you realise he’s actually drawing on a very different piece of ancient writing? What’s the underlying message then? I really do hope this project makes it onto our screens somehow.

I think that’s enough to be going on with. 🙂

Author: Juliet

Juliet E McKenna is a British fantasy author living in the Cotswolds, UK. Loving history, myth and other worlds since she first learned to read, she has written fifteen epic fantasy novels so far. Her debut, The Thief’s Gamble, began The Tales of Einarinn in 1999, followed by The Aldabreshin Compass sequence, The Chronicles of the Lescari Revolution, and The Hadrumal Crisis trilogy. The Green Man’s Heir was her first modern fantasy inspired by British folklore in 2018. The Green Man’s Quarry in 2023, the sixth title to follow, won the BSFA Award for Best Novel. The Green Man’s War continues this ongoing series. Her 2023 novel The Cleaving is a female-centred retelling of the story of King Arthur, while her shorter stories include forays into dark fantasy, steampunk and science fiction. She promotes SF&Fantasy by reviewing, by blogging on book trade issues, attending conventions and teaching creative writing. She has served as a judge for the James White Award, the Aeon Award, the Arthur C Clarke Award and the World Fantasy Awards. In 2015 she received the British Fantasy Society’s Karl Edward Wagner Award. As J M Alvey, she has written historical murder mysteries set in ancient Greece.

2 thoughts on “Link post – Where I’m guest blogging about dogs + other interesting stuff

  1. I don’t think you will do this, but please make sure not to go down the discredited pack dominance theory route. It was based on work on a put-together wolf pack which has since been found to be plain wrog for natural wolf packs, besides dogs are not wolves. It never did apply to dog-human interactions as dogs know perfectly well that we are not the same species, but far too many people insist we must dominate our dogs or they will take over the world! Utter rubbish.

  2. It’s not something I’ve gone into in depth as yet but I am aware that eg the ‘alpha male’ theory is now considered outdated/superceded. You may rest assured that as and when it’s relevant to a story I’m telling, I will do my due diligence and research. Which will quite possibly include contacting you now ☺

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