Bristolcon is a splendid one-day, regional SF&F convention in, unsuprisingly, Bristol. This year it’s on Saturday October 29th, at the Doubletree Hotel, which is convenient for travel by car or by train – within easy walking distance of Bristol Temple Meads station. Membership is £25 in advance or £30 on the door.
This year’s Guests of Honour are the artist Fangorn, and authors Ken MacLeod and Sarah Pinborough.
The full programme can be found here – click on through. Always bearing in mind that this is a month away and such plans are potentially subject to change.
My panels look very promising.
17.00 – Running the World / Cleaning the Toilets – One person’s utopia is another’s dystopia. How can we build believable and effective governments in SF&F, and how can we prevent our utopias becoming dystopias (and should we try)? And while we’re focussed on the action at the top, who’s cleaning the toilets?
Ken MacLeod (M), John Baverstock, Ian Millsted, Juliet E McKenna, Jaine Fenn
18.00 – After the Heroes Have Gone – We all enjoy a big battle, especially on the big screen, but what happens afterwards? Who’s picking up the pieces of New York after the Avengers have smashed it up, who’s living in the wreckage of a Godzilla-stomped Tokyo and what are the Alderaanians who were off planet at the time supposed to do next? Wars have knock-on effects that aren’t always explored – we ask our panel to think about the fate of the ordinary folk, after the heroes have gone.:
Danie Ware (M), Joel Cornah, Juliet E McKenna, Chris Baker, R B Watkinson
And most exciting of all,and with thanks as ever to the wonderful Wizard’s Tower Press, we’ll be launching Shadow Histories of the River Kingdom that weekend! since this will be both an ebook and a print-on-demand publication, there’ll be copies on sale which I’ll naturally be happy to sign 🙂

Who’s picking up the pieces of New York after the Avengers have smashed it up
– well that was SHIELD’s job, back in the days when they were a massive, well-funded organisation known to the public, rather than a bunch of ragtag misfits hiding in the shadows!
I wish I could come to Bristol Con (I wish extra hard this year because NEW BOOK LAUNCH!) but my boss is always such an arse about me taking Saturdays off there’s no point even asking.
Yes! Looking forward to Bristolcon:))
VERY exciting!!!! See you at Bristol Con honey