When The Assassin’s Edge brought the story of Livak and Ryshad to an inexorably logical conclusion, the question wasn’t so much ‘what do I do now?’ as ‘what do I do first?’ Intriguing cultures and peoples sketched all across my map as background to the Tales were just waiting to be explored.

How is the Kellarin colony going to fare in years to come? Well, while that’s a fascinating question I don’t feel inclined to tackle it just at present. What else might occupy me in the meantime? Getting entangled in the Lescari Civil Wars? Heading into the uplands of the Mountain Men? Chasing legends of the Eldritch Kin across the plains of Dalasor? Going west into the ancient feudal kingdom of Solura? I’ve got ideas that I’d like to pursue in all these areas but again, not just at the moment.
I returned to the Aldabreshin Archipelago, first seen in The Swordsman’s Oath. This is a society absolutely opposed to magic, in a world where magic undeniably exists. Rulers have absolute power, all trade is barter and money is unknown. An individual’s life is governed far more by their place in society at birth than by their individual qualities. Though individual qualities will influence whether or not a man or woman can hold the place they were born to, high or low.
Compared to The Tales of Einarinn, The Aldabreshin Compass sequence draws far more of an on-going arc with the overall story and for the individuals within it. Kheda, the central character, travels a long way from the security of his life as a powerful warlord, surrounded by wives and children. Faced with fighting magic, where wizardry is a capital crime, he is forced to compromise his beliefs to save his people. As a consequence he comes to question those fundamental beliefs and all that rests upon them, for himself and for his people. His travels, seeking to save his home, take him far away, making dangerous alliances with unexpected companions, at the same time, finding unforeseen friendship and even love. The final turn of fate brings him home again, to face the world and the people he knew, friends and enemies alike, in the light of his new discoveries, at the end of a voyage of self-discovery.
I had already established that the Archipelagans lived their lives guided by omens and the reading of portents in the stars and the world around them. In writing this series, the full complexity of the heavenly and earthly portents has developed, adding a richness to the world that I could not have imagined at the outset.
This series stands alone, in that you don’t have to have read The Tales of Einarinn to understand it. That said, there is some added interest for readers The Tales as a few lesser characters return in some unexpected roles.
I hadn’t read the The Aldabreshin Compass but based on how much I enjoy the other series, I added Sothern FIre to my waiting-to-be-read pile and it reached the top of the stack the other day – Having sped through it, I’m now waiting desperately for the rest of the series to arrive.
I started another book from the pile in the meantime, and have given up on it in favour of re-reading one of the Einarinn books until the postal system coughs up my book orders.
Thank you kindly for that endorsement 🙂 This is why I write ’em after all.
Credit where it’s due – you do write stonkingly good books. As an avid reader, I’m grateful.
🙂 Incidentally, if you have any bother getting hold of the rest of the Compass books, contact me direct.
I wish I’d thought of that before I tracked them all down and ordfered them from various places. They should be trickling in this week.
In the meantime, my much-thumbed copy of Swordsman’s Oath is keeping me occupied.
Credit where it’s due – you do write stonkingly good books. As an avid reader, I’m grateful.
Hi Juliet, The Aldabreshin Compass books were the first of yours i ever read and I was intrigued by the unusual setting for a fantasy series. They are still my favourites. But, although I have copies of the books, I would like to be able to get a Kindle version. Do you know if there are any plans for this? I really enjoy your books – thanks for many hours of entertainment!
We’re working on ebook versions of the Aldabreshin Compass at the moment ☺
I’m verifying the scanned texts and we need to brief our chosen covert artist. Then there’s the technical side to do. We’re going to get all four done at the same time so we can schedule regular releases through 2015. Details to follow in due course…
Hi Juliet,
I’ve been looking for the Aldabreshin compass on kindle as well but I can’t find it – am I missing something or does it not exist? 🙁
All being well, it should be released this week!
It’s been a long road thus far but we’re nearly there… 🙂
Oh, amazing, what good timing! I will keep an eye out 🙂
Check out the latest blog post!
Great, thanks Juliet!
I just finished Northern Storm. I find the Aldabreshin Compass series absolutely stunning! I love the complexity of this world. You are a very gifted, brilliant writer! Thank you for sharing with us :-)))!